Brisk Spark Plugs Racing Iridium Performance Ignition
Iridium core tipped Brisk spark plugs are designed for modern high power vehicles and mainly used in turbo and direct injection engines.
Sphere designed cut back earth electrode body, shapes flame for faster more complete flash and flame front this gives its superb combustion characteristics achieved by unique and strong spark.
The Iridium core and unique shape give this model extreme resistance to high stress, vibration together with fast temperature and pressure changes,
Brisk racing spark plugs are number one upgrade in reducing misfire, knocking and pinking from highly stressed high compression engines.
For more information on different models available, please download Brisk Super catalogue from our 'Download' page.
Need a spark plugs for your engine but you are unsure of what to get, no problem! Our trained and knowledgeable staff will be able to assist you and find the right product for your application. Please get in touch using one of the options on our 'contact us page'.